problems with millennials


  • they’re all following this jesus nonsense instead of the old roman religion
  • they only know what it’s like under the empire and not the glory of the res publica
  • all of them want to follow weird greek fashions like writing poetry and growing beards instead of following the mos maiorum and wearing togas
  • they’re all so used to this cushy “pax romana” nonsense that none of them want to conquer anything like their ancestors did, and they probably don’t even remember carthage
  • they have no idea what it was like living before the common era
  • have any of them ever risen up on their own to depose a king or stab a tyrant? i think not







contemporary roman writers slutshamed julius caesar that’s your ides of march fact for today

what an absolute unit ol’ iulius was

how could you write this and not say WHY he was getting slutshamed

julius ‘husband to all wives and wife to all husbands’ caesar was a thirsty, thirsty bottom

suetonius: i heard that caesar was a big slut and also he liked buttsex and oral

cicero, to the gathered senate: CAESAR TAKES IT UP THE ASS

for historical context, cicero publicly called out jc for bottoming for king nicomedes of bithynia. they first met when caesar was 20, the king was at least twice his age. i am not saying sugar daddy but sugar daddy. the sex was so good that when nicomedes died he left his entire kingdom to rome, i am not making this up this is  t r u e

listen it’s one thing to slut shame Caesar, but Cicero went around speculating in public about Caesar and the king doing it on a “golden couch arrayed in purple” where “the virginity of the one sprung from Venus was lost in Bithynia” so I don’t think good old Iulius is the only one who’s got to ask himself some serious questions here.

Julius Caesar was stabbed for being a bottom, please share for bottom’s rights

gay classicist culture


  • dreaming of living in an ideal bucolic landscape as a gay shepherd
  • alternatively, dreaming of living on the island of lesbos, if only so you can make jokes about it
  • preferring the iliad to the odyssey
  • writing articles that get snarky about homophobic classicists who try to claim that people like alexander the great and hadrian weren’t gay af
  • getting your phd specifically so that you can call out homophobic classicists
  • majoring in hellenic studies
  • owning a replica bust of antinous
  • secretly imagining yourself as a character in the secret history
  • specializing in one of the following authors: homer, sappho, plato, lucian, catullus, vergil, tibullus, or petronius
  • claiming to study mythology but really you only care about the gay parts