
Aw, how’s this for some good old nostalgia?




No way.


I guess nobody remembered that I was on FictionPress, too.

So, hi. I’m the girl you all knew as Tara. My account really was hacked (twice!), once in 2006 and again in 2009. As of 2017, Support still doesn’t answer my requests to regain it, although I can’t say I blame them. They’re probably scared I’ll flood their site with poorly written sex scenes again.

I’m lucky the hackers never migrated to this account, considering it had the exact same login credentials. (They’ve since been changed, don’t worry.)

I’ll let the account’s creation date speak as to whether it’s legitimate or not.

Thank you all so, so much for keeping My Immortal alive over the years. You fill my heart with so much love. (Preppy moment, oops.)

That’s about all I have to say for now.

Because I’ve received several messages asking this, and predict I may receive more, I’ll answer it here. No, I am not Lani Sarem. Really bad fiction simply tends to read the same. No, I’m not on Facebook. Or Deviantart. Or MySpace. Or Youtube. (Etc.) I am on Tumblr. But I use my real name there, and it’s not Tara.

She’s okay!


nothing fucked me up more than hearing the line “now they’re going to bed and my stomach is sick, and it’s all in my head but she’s touching his chest” in mr brightside and REALIZING THAT SICK AND CHEST DON’T RHYME… ….SH E’S NOT TOUCHIGN HIS CHEST…..

Greatest Wiki Page Of All Time



Not a fake fact, but possibly the funniest anything ever.

My favorite is “Rhamnetin“



My E3 bingo cards are complete! I took the Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo cards from Ready Up Live and modified them to my liking, then I made a template from them and made the Ubisoft, EA, and Bethesda ones from scratch, borrowing from the cards RUL made last year.

These are mostly for my own pleasure but I figured you guys might want to have a look.

Oh, and if you wanna know who the people in the free spaces are, I added captions to each picture with their names.




Do you think that when McGonagall really got tired of her colleagues’ shit she just turned into a cat and started doing random cat things? Like:

Dumbledore: Minerva, please, I really have to send those letters
McGonagall: *gets more comfy over Dumbledore’s desk*
Dumbledore: Minerva
McGonagall: *starts chewing on a nearby quill*

Umbridge: why are the cushions in my office so ruined? Who is responsible for this?
Every other teacher:*glances to McGonagall*
McGonagall:*cleans her nails*

Snape: Minerva get out of that jar now I need it
Snape: you are far too old for such antics
Snape: I’ll stop taking points from Longbottom for a week, is that enough?
McGonagall:*flicks her ear*
Snape:…how did you even get inside there
McGonagall:*meows and burrows deeper in the jar*

And thus we have found my absolute favourite Harry Potter Headcanon.